How Do You Solve a Wi-Fi Entry which is not Present in MacOS?

The Wi-Fi network device could be lost even if the hardware is still functioning.

macOS considers network connection as entries within the Network preferences pane. If you add a hardware connection, such as an ethernet port, which is part of the Thunderbolt dock the preference list should automatically be updated so that it’s included. However, some users notice that entries are removed. This is particularly prevalent with Wi-Fi, for reasons that aren’t clear.

It’s easy to include a Wi-Fi network to your computer. Whether it functions again is a different issue.

It is possible to recreate a lost Wi-Fi entry (and the entry is the case for all other types of interfaces). It’s easy to follow: This ad will expire in 29 minutes.

  1. Go to System PreferencesNetwork.
  2. Click the plus symbol located in the lower-left corner the window.
  3. Wi-Fi should be listed in the Interface pop-up menu. If so, choose it. (If you don’t, please read on.)
  4. Select the description label for Service Name that you like. WI-FI is acceptable.
  5. Click Create.

This procedure should create a new Wi-Fi connection on your PC. If the newly created entry isn’t having the desired result, the Wi-Fi hardware might be damaged or your system might require a reinstall.

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